Sunday, 25 January 2009

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Dear parents,
It sounds that kids are going to learn how to use calculators very soon. I think we do have a list of approved calculators but I can't find it anymore...any idea?

Monday, 19 January 2009

On 23rd Jan

Hi Parents,
there will be a class party on the 23rd Jan, Friday. The students are to bring chinese new year halal food to share.

As part of Community Involvement Project, the students would also be distributing cards and oranges to nearby residential flats. Thus every student would have to bring at least 2 pairs of oranges on the 28th Jan. They will then visit each household of block 52 and 53 to give the oranges.

Cheers :p

Class Committee

Chairperson: Zhi Gang Vice-Chairperson: Yen Yen
Chief Finance officer: Samuel Assistant Finance officer: Carrie
Operations Manager: Chen Jie
Notice Boards In-Charge: Jing Yi
Welfare Head: Shu Xian Assistant Welfare: Firdaus
IT Head: Fionicca
AV Reps: Nabil & Hong Ming
English Rep: Mike
Maths Rep: Leonard
Science Rep: Joshua & Gerald Aw
Music Rep: Brian
Literature Rep: Nazihah
Hosburgh Rep: Yang Kai
Fullerton Rep: Benjamin
Raffles Rep: Damien
Sultan Shoal Rep: Kevin

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

classroom decoration

Hi parents,
the school is organizing a competition for chinese new year celebration. Each class is supposed to decorate the classroom for chinese new year. The judging criteria is creativity and the materials to decorate mainly must be of recycled materials.

I have asked the class to decorate a little and will be continuing on Friday. If you have anything to recycle that can add on to the decoration, please ask your child to bring on Friday.

Thank you very much.

1E3 timetable

Monday, 12 January 2009

Responding to Queenie's questions.

i think it won't be difficult for 13 year olds to pass 1.5 hrs. They eat, they chit chat, go library etc. Why don't we ask our children what are the things that they do during this 1.5 hrs, and post it here? We can exchange ideas from there....

During swimming lessons on Wed, they gotta depart for the Bedok Swim Complex by 3pm, so they actually only have 1+ hour to while away. And I think as the term progresses, some students may need to do extra (remedial) classes between 2.30pm - 3.30pm (am I right, Glenda?)

...... Cheryl.
Below extracted via email from Queenie :
I would like to help on the blog but I'm still on my way getting familiar with it(my first time using a blog).

Besides what CCA our kids going to join, I have been wondering how are they going to pass (or utilize) their time which lays between 1:45 to 3:30pm (that's the time between morning school ends till afternoon CCA starts). This interval is very precious for kids to eat, to rest, to interact with their friends,or to do some of their homework or revision in school.

Question: As a parent, how are we able to help them to enjoy and utilize this precious time?

Question: How are we able to let our kids to eat healthyly when they are given the freedom to choose the food their like?

Please share with us your thoughts, dear all parents!

3 students transferred out

1. Mok Zi Jia
2. Minn Tock
3. Tan Jing Kang

have been transferred out, thus their names have been removed from the list on the right.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Child names

Hi all,
I have added the names of the students in 1E3, per the list that was given out during the campfire. I have tried to make the given name first then comma then the surname followed by other names.

E.g. Carrie, Chiong Shi Qi

Pls correct me if I got it wrong!

Adding of authors to this blog

I have added as authors of this blog, all the below parents who have submitted the email address. Hope you can write something here.

Next, take note the other blog by Joanne - Very comprehensive. I'm afraid I don't have much time to do so much work like scanning in forms & time table, to show on the blog since I have to take care of my 1 yo baby, Nicole. Other authors - please feel free to be as creative as you like in this blog!

I have opened this blog to be viewable only by the public. If you feel that this blog should be restricted, feel free to let us know.

I have also added William Tan & Glenda Chia (Form Teacher) as authors. So, both are welcomed to use this as a means of communication.

Which CCA your child opted for?

My son Joshua signed up for NPCC.