Monday, 12 January 2009

Below extracted via email from Queenie :
I would like to help on the blog but I'm still on my way getting familiar with it(my first time using a blog).

Besides what CCA our kids going to join, I have been wondering how are they going to pass (or utilize) their time which lays between 1:45 to 3:30pm (that's the time between morning school ends till afternoon CCA starts). This interval is very precious for kids to eat, to rest, to interact with their friends,or to do some of their homework or revision in school.

Question: As a parent, how are we able to help them to enjoy and utilize this precious time?

Question: How are we able to let our kids to eat healthyly when they are given the freedom to choose the food their like?

Please share with us your thoughts, dear all parents!

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