Monday, 23 February 2009

About 1E3

The one common feedback from the subject teachers is that this class is very chatty. Both girls and boys talk a lot. However during lesson, the girls would be more focus while the boys are more responsive by asking many questions or answering questions posed by the teachers.

The girls are also very neat in their work while some boys submit very untidy work. I guess this is very typical of each gender.

When waiting for teachers to come to the classroom, most of them would be walking around the class to chat with friends whom they are more comfortable with. They were however instructed to read an English story book during waiting times.

In general, 1E3 is super hyperactive (I have boys in the class who cannot sit still), chatty and they are more of hands-on learners (some students like to doodle).

The positive side of them: one teacher commented that at least the class do not have malicious students who usually would be quite difficult to handle.

The girls in the class are also very sweet and gentle and they are not the vain sort who focus only on looks and attention.

The boys are fun loving and humorous. The chairperson and vice-chair are doing a good job especially how they distribute the food during the "black market" activity.

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