Thursday, 12 March 2009

comments on the common test

The students fare ok for English but there are some failures and many passed borderline. From my little bit of experience of teaching graduating classes, I found many of the students are unable to perform well because they did not build a strong foundation in English. They had the idea that as long as they are able to communicate in English, it would be fine for them. This would thus affect their answering techniques for Science and understanding of Maths problems and greatly affect humanities.

The students did well for Mathematics...mostly had A for Maths, there were about 3 students who scored more than 90 marks. There are no failures

The students however did not do as well for science...the average was about 65 marks. 2 students scored 80 marks which is the highest. The lowest was a borderline pass.

The class did not do well for Geography...there are a number of failures. Perhaps the subject is new to them.

The class fare average for Literature although there are about 5 failures. There are a few who had A for Literature too.

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